Speaker and Session Information

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The interpreted language session assignments listed are tentative.  English is the official language of the 2024 MDRT Annual Meeting. MDRT will provide simultaneous interpretation for Main Platform presentations and selected Focus Sessions when at least 50 registered members request a common language. Final determination of interpreted session options will be determined after May 8.

Gen Z — From recruiting to retaining

Tim Boyle, Fabian Weng Tuck Chan, ChFC/S, B.ENG, Joyce Chan, Angela Daniela Malagon Beaven
Session Type:
MDRT Center for Field Leadership
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Monday, June 10, 2024
Start Time:
1:30 pm
No items found.
Content Track:

How should you present a financial services career differently to Gen Z recruits? In this panel discussion, learn why onboarding should be a radical change from what it was a generation ago and how to create a development plan that keeps Gen Z advisors with your agency.

Launch to Excellence

Regina Bedoya, CLU, ChFC, Tony Gordon, and Thian Lung Jong
Session Type:
Launch to Excellence
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Start Time:
3:00 pm
Brazilian Portuguese
Content Track:

Whether you are a new MDRT member or attending the MDRT Annual Meeting for the first time, welcome! You are invited to connect with fellow members from across the globe at this engaging kickoff session designed to help you maximize your MDRT membership and meeting experience. You’ll hear from seasoned MDRT members who will share insights and advice as they pass along their secrets of success.   Don’t miss this invaluable MDRT Annual Meeting offering! Specially intended for members in their first five years of membership and those new to MDRT meetings, this session is open to all meeting attendees. The inspiration, guidance and camaraderie you discover will last well beyond your time in Vancouver.

Accessing the champion in all of us

Steve Backley and Roger Black
Session Type:
Court of the Table/Top of the Table
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Start Time:
12:30 pm
Brazilian Portuguese
Content Track:

How can you replicate the mindset and performance necessary for Olympic athletes to compete and succeed? Learn how to transform both your personal and professional life with insights that can make you and your team effective in new, highly impactful ways.

Main Platform Conversations

Ian Green, Dip PFS and Tim Grover
Session Type:
Main Platform
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Start Time:
8:00 am
Brazilian Portuguese
Content Track:

Would you rather be good or unstoppable? In this intimate “fireside chat” session as part of Main Platform Conversations, bestselling author and relentless ambition expert Tim Grover sits down with MDRT Past President Ian Green, Dip PFS, to identify the mental strength and determination that can bring your business to new heights.

Niche power: Elevating your marketing strategy

Chris George CFP, TEP, Natalie Sarah Hales, Brian Joseph Haney CFS, CLTC, Matt K. Halloran
Session Type:
Focus Session
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Monday, June 10, 2024
Start Time:
1:30 pm
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Content Track:

In this panel session, Halloran, a communications expert, moderates a conversation between MDRT members and Hales, a brand strategist, to discuss a step-by-step guide for how to build your niche and develop a marketing plan that will elevate your practice, drive referrals, and align your business goals and strengths with your ideal clientele.

Achieving MDRT Life membership

Akkachai Chatchawalsakul, Donnapa Jitsopananont, Pichandech Kemped and Eakasak Narksakul
Session Type:
ConneXion Zone
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Monday, June 10, 2024
Start Time:
11:30 am
No items found.
Content Track:

Why should you consider becoming a Life member of MDRT, and how can you embark on this journey? Three MDRT members share their unique insights, including what inspired them and how they maintained focus to achieve enough MDRT qualifications for Life membership.

Achieving work-life balance and continued MDRT

Natchanan Nanthapongpokin and Ratthanan Nanthapongpokin
Session Type:
ConneXion Zone
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Start Time:
12:30 pm
No items found.
Content Track:

Ensuring you have sufficient time in your personal and professional life is always easier said than done. Nanthapongpokin shares key factors to establish a harmonious balance between these areas and the stability and success that can result.

How To Be A Top Producer

Ross Bernstein, CSP, CPAE, Alessandro M. Forte, FCII, CFP
Session Type:
Focus Session
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Monday, June 10, 2024
Start Time:
3:00 pm
No items found.
Content Track:

How do top producers across different industries build stronger relationships and generate new client opportunities to expand their businesses? Forte and Bernstein share implementable techniques to not only replicate their keys to success but to learn from their best clients as well.

Leveraging insights from the CFP model in unexpected ways

Peetitorn Chapradit and Pichandech Kemped
Session Type:
ConneXion Zone
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Start Time:
4:00 pm
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Content Track:

Beyond the planning benefits for clients, did you know that financial planning also can be used to streamline your success? Two MDRT members share numerous benefits you can utilize, including coordinating seminars to enhance financial knowledge, entering an untapped market through financial questionnaires and much more.

Being a boss

Kathleen R. Benjamin, CFP, CPA, David C. Blake, Ted Rusinoff and Cheng Huann Yeoh, ChFC, CLU
Session Type:
ConneXion Zone
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Start Time:
1:00 pm
No items found.
Content Track:

Dive into the management side of business, including how to scout talent, hire, onboard, compensate and get the very best from your employees. Discover what’s being overlooked as you strive to create the strongest team while keeping them productive and happy.

Niche marketing 101

Carla Brown, FPFS, CFP, Asvin Chauhan, MIFP, Dip FA and Adrian George, CFP, TEP
Session Type:
ConneXion Zone
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Start Time:
2:00 pm
No items found.
Content Track:

Learn how to develop and use highly targeted forms of advertising to attract new prospects. Discover what techniques will catch people’s attention and how to turn those leads into clients.

AI for beginners

Timothy Daniel Clairmont, MSFS, Panos Leledakis, LUTCF and Paresh B. Shah, CFP
Session Type:
ConneXion Zone
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Start Time:
12:00 pm
No items found.
Content Track:

Gain a brief overview of how to utilize the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to advance your practice. Discover the basics necessary to understand AI and learn practical takeaways to put your knowledge into action.

Special challenges for female leaders

Regina Bedoya, CLU, ChFC, Jennifer P. Mann, MBA, CFP and Ana Sofia Rodriguez, MBA
Session Type:
ConneXion Zone
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Monday, June 10, 2024
Start Time:
3:30 pm
No items found.
Content Track:

A group of female advisors share insights and experiences from their time in a field historically skewed toward men. The panelists touch on leadership, work-life balance and much more.

Tips from the top

Katy Baxter, Dip PFS and Catherine Gough, FPFS
Session Type:
ConneXion Zone
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Monday, June 10, 2024
Start Time:
1:30 pm
No items found.
Content Track:

Top of the Table members share how to create long-term strategies for business and how to qualify for MDRT, Court of the Table and Top of the Table. These insights will help you avoid roadblocks on the way toward high performance for today and into the future.

A different kind of leadership

Chin Ti Chien, Yi-Jean Lin, CIAM, FChFP and Li Zeng
Session Type:
ConneXion Zone
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Monday, June 10, 2024
Start Time:
2:00 pm
No items found.
Content Track:

What is your biggest challenge when it comes to developing your staff? How do you overcome it? Join MDRT members as they delve into these questions and more to help you create and retain a solid team.

60 sales ideas that really work — in just 60 minutes

David Batchelor, Dip PFS, CFP, Simon John Gibson, Dip PFS
Session Type:
Focus Session
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Start Time:
9:30 am
Brazilian Portuguese
No items found.
Content Track:

Longtime Top of the Table qualifiers Batchelor and Gibson share a batch of ideas that can be implemented by advisors of any experience level. This fast-paced session will advance your understanding of cutting-edge psychology and how that can help you guide clients to follow your recommendations.

Attaining and maintaining Top of the Table production

D. Kyle Atkins CLU, CFP, Caroline A. Banks FPFS, Mark J. Hanna CLU, ChFC, Ross Vanderwolf CFP
Session Type:
Focus Session
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Monday, June 10, 2024
Start Time:
3:00 pm
No items found.
Content Track:

Hear from Top of the Table members as they share their keys to sustainable success in the financial services profession. Learn the types of clients they pursue, how their practices have grown and evolved, and ways they have implemented MDRT’s Whole Person concept into their lives — all while achieving Top of the Table production every year. The session will be moderated by 2024 Top of the Table Divisional Vice President D. Kyle Atkins, CLU, CFP.

Key strategies: The secrets of the greatest Latin American experts

Vanina Paola Cruz, Caio Henrique Guidugli Cunha, Dulce Maria Zamora Davila, Mariant Carolina Navarro Protzel, Samir Chaman Sabag, CLI, FPC, Jazmin Eliana Vasquez
Session Type:
Focus Session
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Monday, June 10, 2024
Start Time:
3:00 pm
No items found.
Content Track:

Representatives from Mexico, Colombia, Brazil and Argentina share how they seek to better protect their clients and enhance their practices. Discover areas where all of these advisors overlap and some where they differ as well.

Social media as a vehicle for prospecting and branding

Arturo Viniegra Castellanos, Victor Hugo Garcia Gutierrez
Session Type:
Focus Session
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Start Time:
1:30 pm
No items found.
Content Track:

Can digitally defining your brand provide a path to connect with new clients? Discover how two advisors have embraced the age of social media to differentiate themselves and grow their businesses.

From self-employed to company director

Alejandro Hernandez, FSCP, LAE, Yaravi Morales Diaz Ordaz, MBA, CLI
Session Type:
Focus Session
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Start Time:
9:30 am
No items found.
Content Track:

What does it take to build a practice that can service clients and support a staff? Two advisors share the steps necessary to move from an independent practitioner to a manager and business owner.

Failures and successes on the road to Top of the Table

Alvaro Aldrete Morfin, Sergio Alberto Alejo Ortiz, Alejandro Rivera Revuelta
Session Type:
Focus Session
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Start Time:
11:00 am
No items found.
Content Track:

Discover how three advisors took very different routes to reach and remain Top of the Table members. They share stories and the unseen secrets to how they overcame their biggest challenges.

Panel discussion: The power of niche marketing

Attathapong Lao-ananchai, Pimlada Thanusakdumrong, Piyamon Wongthianchai
Session Type:
Focus Session
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Monday, June 10, 2024
Start Time:
3:00 pm
No items found.
Content Track:

While many advisors know the benefits of specializing, how do you identify and market to your ideal clients? Three advisors share how they find and connect with the niche that drives their practices.

Panel discussion: The art and science of creating trusting relationships

Warika Chotiwit, Piyawan Yamarat
Session Type:
Focus Session
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Start Time:
11:00 am
No items found.
Content Track:

How do you ensure your client relationships are built on essential foundations of trust? Learn how two MDRT members have developed distinct approaches to establishing connections with clients that grow and deepen over time.

Tips from the top

John R. Benton, ChFC, CLTC and Stephen Kagawa, FSS, LUTCF
Session Type:
ConneXion Zone
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Monday, June 10, 2024
Start Time:
3:30 pm
No items found.
Content Track:

Top of the Table members share how to create long-term strategies for business and how to qualify for MDRT, Court of the Table and Top of the Table. These insights will help you avoid roadblocks on the way toward high performance for today and into the future.

How to create new markets online and offline

Ponlacha Rojlertjanya and Kanyarat Yommana
Session Type:
ConneXion Zone
Presentation Language:
Date of Session:
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Start Time:
11:00 am
No items found.
Content Track:

Many advisors are continually seeking to expand their market through both digital and analog strategies. In this panel discussion, learn how to utilize financial questionnaires, seminars, online sales channels, parties and more to develop rapport with new clients.

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