Jennifer A. Borislow, CLUはBorislow Insuranceの創設者兼CEOであり、300社以上の企業に革新的な医療・福祉ソリューションを通して社員の健康・安心に貢献しているリーディング・プロバイダーです。2012年度のMDRT会長を務め、その後も貢献を続け、特にMDRTのイベントで講師として活躍しています。Borislowには5冊の著書(共著を含む)があり、保険会社数社の諮問委員会のメンバーです。
Ian Green, Dip PFSは 2021年MDRT会長、2017年トップ・オブ・ザ・テーブル担当グローバル・カウンシルメンバー兼諮問委員会委員長。ファイナンシャル・プランニングの会社を家族で経営し、ホール・パーソン・コンセプトの提唱者として、自身の成功の多くはMDRTから学んだことのおかげだと言います。
Juli Y. McNeely, CFP, CLU は両親とも金融サービスの専門家という家庭で育ちました。現在は父が創設したMcNeely Financial Servicesの経営者として活躍する一方、自身がコーチングを指導する目的で設立したJuli McNeely Consulting LLCを経営しています。2014年には女性初のNAIFA会長に就任し、2015年にはWIFS Woman of the Year Awardを受賞しました。2016年に “No Necktie Needed: A Woman’s Guide to Success in Financial Services(ネクタイ不要。女性のためのファイナンシャル・サービス)”を出版しました。
William J. Rossi, CFP, ChFCはフロリダ州Gainesvilleでウェルス・マネジメントを専門とするKoss Olinger Financial Groupのパートナーです。21年間MDRT会員で、トップ・オブ・ザ・テーブル資格を18年連続で獲得しています。
Jennifer A. Borislow, CLU, is the founder and CEO of Borislow Insurance, a leading provider of innovative health and well-being benefits solutions that serves more than 300 businesses. She served as the 2012 President of MDRT and continues to be actively involved, especially as a speaker at MDRT events. Borislow is the author or co-author of five books as well as a participant on several insurance company advisory boards.
Ian Green, Dip PFS, was the 2021 MDRT President and 2017 Top of the Table Global Council Member and Advisory Board Chair. He runs a family-owned financial planning firm and, as an advocate of the Whole Person concept, attributes much of his success to what he learns from MDRT.
Juli Y. McNeely, CFP, CLU, grew up in the financial services profession, watching her mother and father serve clients. She currently is an owner at Financial Clarity by Design, an independent firm founded by her father, while also growing her personal coaching practice, Juli McNeely Consulting LLC. She became NAIFA’s first female president in 2014 and was awarded the WIFS Woman of the Year award in 2015. In 2016, McNeely released “No Necktie Needed: A Woman’s Guide to Success in Financial Services.”
William J. Rossi, CFP, ChFC, is a partner at Koss Olinger, where he began his financial services career in 1997 after earning a Bachelor of Science degree in finance and economics from the University of Florida. He is a member of Koss Olinger’s Investment Advisory Committee, and his areas of expertise include investment management, estate planning and creating income distribution strategies during retirement. Rossi is a Past Chair of Top of the Table, has spoken at various industry conferences and is active within his community.