




またメイン・プラットフォームでは会員講師がMDRT Speaksで生産性、顧客エンゲージメント、事業戦略などのトピックについて、革新的で創造的なビジネス・コンセプトや刺激的なアイディアを共有します。

Main Platform: Thought leaders and renowned speakers share inspirational stories and industry content covering topics relevant to financial services, sales strategies, business practices, and work-life balance.

MDRT Speaks: A highlight of the meeting, these fast-paced sessions feature MDRT members sharing innovative and creative business concepts delivered in a variety of presentation formats. Come away with ideas to improve your productivity, client engagement strategies, and business practices.

Executive Committee Addresses: Hear from your MDRT Executive Committee, including the 2024 Presidential Address.

MDRT Foundation: Learn about the 2024 charity partner and the continued impact our MDRT Foundation is making across the globe.

Main Platform Conversations: An in-depth conversation between an MDRT leader and a featured speaker.



ConneXion Zone®

楽しく賑やかなエリアで、すぐに役立つプレゼンテーションや、会員や同僚とつながるさまざまな機会を提供するConneXion Zoneは大会中活動の中心になります。生涯の友人を作り、仲間とネットワークを広げ、写真を撮ってソーシャル・メディアで共有し、講師とディスカッションできます。ConneXion Zoneでは75以上のセッションが行われ、さっそくビジネスに導入できるソリューションや最先端のアイディアを提供します。



Launch to Excellence 高みを目指そう: 初めてMDRT会員になった方も、初めてのアニュアル・ミーティングという方もぜひ世界各地から集まった仲間と繋がるためにご参加ください。仲間と交流して、大会を最大限楽しんでいただけるようにこの魅力的なキックオフ・セッションを用意しました。このセッションは入会5年目までの会員や初めて大会に参加なさる方を対象としていますが、どなたでもご参加いただけます。

スペシャル・セッション昼食会: 業界のエキスパートから興味深いトピックスの講演をお楽しみください。有料イベントで、昼食を提供します。

コート・オブ・ザ・テーブルとトップ・オブ・ザ・テーブル会員のプログラム*: COTおよびTOT会員限定の特別セッションです。素晴らしい大会経験になることでしょう。(このセッションは2025年度COTおよびTOT会員限定です。)

COT&TOTオープン・フォーラム*: COTとTOT会員が会話を楽しみ、重要な議題を話し合い、情報交換をする90分の特別セッションです。(このセッションは2025年度COTおよびTOT会員限定です。)

MDRT Center for Field Leadership sessions: 現場と本社の管理職をターゲットにした4つの特別セッションを開催します。MDRT Culture of Excellence賞の条件と関連性のあるチームの経営戦略を学び、リーダーとしてのジャーニーを加速し、組織のリーダーであるMDRT Center会員との交流ができます。

On the largest stage at the MDRT Annual Meeting, Main Platform offers engaging and inspirational content from featured member speakers, industry leaders, the MDRT Foundation, and your Executive Committee.

*These sessions are interpreted in all languages.

Main Platform: Thought leaders and renowned speakers share inspirational stories and industry content covering topics relevant to financial services, sales strategies, business practices, and work-life balance.

MDRT Speaks: A highlight of the meeting, these fast-paced sessions feature MDRT members sharing innovative and creative business concepts delivered in a variety of presentation formats. Come away with ideas to improve your productivity, client engagement strategies, and business practices.

Executive Committee Addresses: Hear from your MDRT Executive Committee, including the 2024 Presidential Address.

MDRT Foundation: Learn about the 2024 charity partner and the continued impact our MDRT Foundation is making across the globe.

Main Platform Conversations: An in-depth conversation between an MDRT leader and a featured speaker.

These sessions provide special and exclusive content, as add-ons to the MDRT Annual Meeting.

Special Session Luncheons*: Join industry experts for a deeper exploration of relevant topics. Lunch provided. (These sessions are presented in English; no interpretation will be offered.)

Launch to Excellence: Whether you are a new MDRT member or attending the MDRT Annual Meeting for the first time, welcome! You are invited to connect with fellow members from across the globe at this engaging kickoff session designed to help you maximize your MDRT membership and meeting experience. You’ll hear from seasoned MDRT members who will share insights and advice as they pass along their secrets of success.  

Don’t miss this invaluable MDRT Annual Meeting offering! Specially intended for members in their first five years of membership and those new to MDRT meetings, this session is open to all meeting attendees. The inspiration, guidance and camaraderie you discover will last well beyond your time in Vancouver.

Court of the Table and Top of the Table Program**: Enhance your meeting experience by joining fellow Court of the Table and Top of the Table members at this exclusive session. (This event is open to 2024 Court of the Table and 2024 Top of the Table members only.)

Court of the Table and Top of the Table Open Forum**: Court of the Table and Top of the Table members will have an opportunity to connect and engage in conversations about subjects that matter to them during this 90-minute session on Wednesday morning. Informal roundtable discussions will be grouped by language. (This event is open to 2024 Court of the Table and 2024 Top of the Table members only.)

MDRT Center for Field Leadership sessions**: For MDRT Center for Field Leadership members only, these four special sessions are targeted specifically for field and home office leaders in financial services. Packed with team management strategies and aligned with the MDRT Culture of Excellence Awards, these sessions will help you accelerate your leadership journey and connect with fellow MDRT Center members. (These sessions are presented in English. No interpretation will be offered.)

*Prepaid ticketed event, at additional cost at time of registration.
**Membership qualifications apply; pre-registration recommended.

Designed to spark new ideas and provide solutions to today’s challenges, Focus Sessions do not disappoint! Join member and nonmember industry experts as they share knowledge covering a variety of subject matter, including protection products, wealth management, retirement strategies, marketing, prospecting, business processes, staffing, technology and work-life balance.

With a unique and innovative array of offerings, the ConneXion Zone features quick-hit presentations and a variety of opportunities to connect with fellow members and colleagues. Open throughout the meeting, this fun and lively space is excellent for meeting new people, networking, taking Instagram-worthy photos, and engaging in Q&A sessions with speakers. Featuring more than 100 sessions presented in up to six languages, the ConneXion Zone offers immediate results and cutting-edge ideas to implement in your daily practice.

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