





Main Platform: Thought leaders and renowned speakers share inspirational stories and industry content covering topics relevant to financial services, sales strategies, business practices, and work-life balance.

MDRT Speaks: A highlight of the meeting, these fast-paced sessions feature MDRT members sharing innovative and creative business concepts delivered in a variety of presentation formats. Come away with ideas to improve your productivity, client engagement strategies, and business practices.

Executive Committee Addresses: Hear from your MDRT Executive Committee, including the 2024 Presidential Address.

MDRT Foundation: Learn about the 2024 charity partner and the continued impact our MDRT Foundation is making across the globe.

Main Platform Conversations: An in-depth conversation between an MDRT leader and a featured speaker.




交流区这个饶富趣味且活力十足的区域,荟萃直击主题的精彩演讲,以及一系列与会员同僚交际联谊的机会,可谓会议期间的核心活动重地。缔结终身友谊、与同僚交流联谊、拍照打卡并分享至社交媒体,并与演讲者展开热情讨论。交流区设有超 75 场会议,将为您带来无数解决方案及前沿理念,让您回家后立即付诸实践。





内阁会员和顶尖会员议程*:与其他内阁会员及顶尖会员一起出席这场独家会议,令您的会议体验更上一层楼。(此活动仅开放给 2025 年内阁会员和 2025 年顶尖会员。)

内阁会员及顶尖会员公开论坛*:内阁会员和顶尖会员将有机会在本次全长 90 分钟的会议期间交流与互动,并参与他们关心的主题谈话。(此活动仅开放给 2025 年内阁会员和 2025 年顶尖会员。)

MDRT Center for Field Leadership 会议:这四场特别会议专为金融服务业的前线和在家办公室领袖而设。荟萃团队管理策略,充分体现“百万圆桌卓越文化奖”所推崇的价值,您将在领导力之旅中加速前行,并与 MDRT Center 的其他成员建立联系。

6 月 21 日(星期六)

11:00 - 18:00
11:00 - 17:00
View Sessions
16:30 - 17:30
PGA 志愿者启动仪式和专案小组分组

6 月 22 日(星期日)

09:00 - 18:30
10:00 - 17:00
12:30 - 15:00
15:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 19:00

6 月 23 日(星期一)

07:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 11:00

Diana Chao

Dear stranger: Fostering connection and support by writing to strangers

Gregory B. Gagne, ChFC

Presidential Address


Five proven ways to build a Top of the Table practice

Jim Kwik

Supercharge your brain to learn faster and remember more 

Andrew C. Lord, CLU, ChFC

MDRT Foundation

Elke Rubach, LL.M., CLU

Prioritizing human interaction in an increasingly artificial, technologically driven world

Gino Wickman

The 10 disciplines to free and maximize your energy

Tham Wongsankakorn

Connect with high-net-worth clients to elevate your practice

Dr. Susan Biali Haas

The resilient life: Reducing stress and burnout in today’s wild world

11:00 - 17:00

Akkachai Chatchawalsakul, Donnapa Jitsopananont, Pichandech Kemped and Eakasak Narksakul

Achieving MDRT Life membership

Pui Ka Lam, Hunter Lord, CFP, Kevin Reidinger and Naixin Zhao

The next generation of young advisors

Sun-young Kim

Serving older clients through open-door, face-to-face meetings

Masakazu Shigemori

Are you working at what you love and are good at? Develop HNW clients by using your strengths!

Togo Kimura

Existing contract marketing that leads to results

Joo-hwan Lee

How to develop client trust that leads to retention

Jesus Rodrigo Alfaro Gutierrez

How becoming a better person led me to become a better advisor

Yi-Jean Lin, CIAM, FChFP

What you can learn and teach through the MDRT Mentoring Program

Hiroshi Maeda

Principles and practices learned from “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”

Aurora L. Tancock, FLMI, CFP

Building trust by fostering strong client relationships

Christian Thomas Carpizo Vazquez Sr.

9 steps to increase your sales with the same customer base

Matthew T. Hoesly, CFP, ChFC

Top of the Table before 40

Jim Kwik

Q&A with Main Platform Speaker Jim Kwik

Xiaohu Liu

Gaining personally and professionally from the MDRT Whole Person concept

Katy Baxter, Dip PFS and Catherine Gough, FPFS

Tips from the top

Ying Qi Carrie Chee

Engage clients effectively and expand your case size

Yohei Tomita

Deeper Dive with Main Platform speaker Yohei Tomita

Chin Ti Chien, Yi-Jean Lin, CIAM, FChFP and Li Zeng

A different kind of leadership

Aree Burapapunjakul

Building efficiency and sustainability in your business

Imelda Xochitl Padilla

Having the balanced life we all dream of

Joon Sik Choi

The power of the check-in call

Shusaku Tezuka

How hobby-driven referrals led to 800 consecutive weeks of strong results

Shane E. Westhoelter, AEP, CLU

What words to use — and not use — to build client trust

Saad Anthony Baksh, BSc

Be the best version of you!

Kathleen R. Benjamin, CFP, CPA

Building a team with the right qualities, the right scores and the right training

Timothy Daniel Clairmont, MSFS

Digital avatars: Revolutionizing financial advisory services

Hsiu-chung Hsu

Tips to help clients understand the value of financial planning

Regina Bedoya, CLU, ChFC, Jennifer P. Mann, MBA, CFP and Ana Sofia Rodriguez, MBA

Special challenges for female leaders

John R. Benton, ChFC, CLTC and Stephen Kagawa, FSS, LUTCF

Tips from the top

Mark P. Brunelle

Overlooked opportunities within your existing clients

Salvador Perez Mendez

Professional development through kindness, empathy and trust

Yen Wei Nee

Optimize customer service and practice it with heart

Krits Pitimana-aree, LUTCF, ChLP

How to qualify as an MDRT Life member

Jun Shimizu

Swimming in the blue ocean: How to maximize your strengths

Tham Wongsankakorn

Deeper Dive with Main Platform speaker Tham Wongsankakorn

11:30 - 13:00

Ethan Mollick

From  disruption to opportunity: Embracing the AI revolution

13:30 - 14:30
15:00 - 16:00

Chris George CFP, TEP, Natalie Sarah Hales, Brian Joseph Haney CFS, CLTC, Matt K. Halloran

Niche power: Elevating your marketing strategy

Kentaro Asai

How to make time for your work and your family

David Braithwaite, Dip PFS

Leveraging media opportunities to establish expertise and enhance your business

Sammi Chang

Unleash leadership potential through generational psychology

Neha Prasad Doiphode, MBA

Forging lasting bonds: Why advisors should volunteer with service organizations

Matt K. Halloran

Niche power: Elevating your marketing strategy

Seonghun Jo

How to create an automated IT-based sales process

Alain Quennec, CFP, CIM

Create personal financial organizers to manage client relationships

Ana Sofia Rodriguez, MBA

Breathe, undertake and sell

Pitchaya Watcharakan, CFP, MBA

Sell without selling

13:30 - 14:30
15:00 - 16:00
MDRT Center for Field Leadership 会议

Tim Boyle, Fabian Weng Tuck Chan, ChFC/S, B.ENG, Joyce Chan, Angela Daniela Malagon Beaven

Gen Z — From recruiting to retaining

16:00 - 17:30
MDRT Center for Field Leadership 接待及颁奖仪式

Ross Bernstein, CSP, CPAE, Alessandro M. Forte, FCII, CFP

How To Be A Top Producer

D. Kyle Atkins CLU, CFP, Caroline A. Banks FPFS, Mark J. Hanna CLU, ChFC, Ross Vanderwolf CFP

Attaining and maintaining Top of the Table production

Vanina Paola Cruz, Caio Henrique Guidugli Cunha, Dulce Maria Zamora Davila, Mariant Carolina Navarro Protzel, Samir Chaman Sabag, CLI, FPC, Jazmin Eliana Vasquez

Key strategies: The secrets of the greatest Latin American experts

Attathapong Lao-ananchai, Pimlada Thanusakdumrong, Piyamon Wongthianchai

Panel discussion: The power of niche marketing

Nikki Peilin Chen

Cutting-edge communication techniques with clients and breaking through performance limits

Sheri Fitts

Refining your brand for a rapidly changing world

Alessandro M. Forte, FCII, CFP

How To Be A Top Producer

Sunil Nandlal Hassija

Reframe your marketing to build relationships

Takahiro Izuki

Leading the future of asset management

Atthapong Lao-ananchai

Panel discussion: The power of niche marketing

Young II Lee

How to most concisely communicate the ways you can help

Panos Leledakis, LUTCF

Skyrocket your production and reputation with AI and advanced technologies

17:00 - 18:00
17:30 - 18:30

6 月 24 日(星期二)

07:30 - 16:00
08:00 - 11:00

Ian Green, Dip PFS and Tim Grover

Main Platform Conversations

Wave Chow Wing Kai

The sailboat concept

Karen Eber

Make your story perfect

Brandon Farbstein

10 feet tall: Your difference is your superpower

Carol Kheng, ChFC

Incoming Presidential Address

Jennifer P. Mann, MBA, CFP

From chaos to control: Organizing savings for success

Jamie McIntyre, CFP

Ditch the budget and give your clients the gift of a spending plan

11:00 - 17:00

Stephen Kagawa, FSS, LUTCF

A prospecting technique that can take you to Top of the Table

Sittichai Kallayasiri

Opening HNW clients' minds to your recommendations

Hua-Yu Kao

How to create ease and clarity for clients

Se-hyuk Lee

Build your own niche market

Timothy Daniel Clairmont, MSFS, Panos Leledakis, LUTCF and Paresh B. Shah, CFP

AI for beginners

Alain Pérez Munoz

Connecting with millenials: Keys to a successful sale

Mongkol Tangmannaikit

The shortcut to success is hard work

Hea-young Youn

Single mother of three, annual salary of 300 million won

Yuichiro Nakamura

Fact-finding to build strong relationships

Gustavo Rojas Ramirez

Self-reflection on the path to quality and performance

Kathleen R. Benjamin, CFP, CPA, David C. Blake, Ted Rusinoff and Cheng Huann Yeoh, ChFC, CLU

Being a boss

Othniel Duncombe

Identifying buying signals

Juana Lilia Martinez Ortiz

How I got 700 referrals in 1 year

Yusuke Mizuguchi

Driving communication with tax accountants

Ling-Shan Lin

Discuss insurance using Maslow's demand theory

Edit Martonosi

Spirit, sport, strategy: Applying the marketing from top athletes’ brands to financial services

Elke Rubach, LL.M, CLU

How charging for a financial plan grows not just sales but connection to your clients

Carla Brown, FPFS, CFP, Asvin Chauhan, MIFP, Dip FA and Adrian George, CFP, TEP

Niche marketing 101

We-Cheng Lin

Using the Whole Person concept to help others realize their dreams

Douglas Eugene Owens, LUTCF

Mastering the use of drawings to simplify complex ideas

José Sánchez Lopez, MBA

5 strategies to get endless referrals without asking for them

Yi Chun Liu

Encouraging high performance by building a unified staff

César Arturo Sepúlveda Garza, LUTCF, FSCP

Building communication and trust for long-term relationships with clients

George B. Sigurdson, CLU

How to effectively present financial planning buckets

Brian Moran

Q&A with Lunch Session speaker Brian Moran

Victor D. Reyes, CLU, ChFC

Create motivation and goal setting to reach Top of the Table

Erika Silva Velasco, CLI, FSCP

Tips to move from first-time member to MDRT Life member

Chiung-Yu Su

Unique and customized policy planning that is anything but artificial

David C. Blake, Yolie Aleman-Rodriguez and Tom E. Sunny, CFP, CLU

How the MDRT Academy can elevate your practice

Shawn Bellefeuille, CFP, CLU

Bridging the gap between online and offline marketing

Brandon Farbstein

Q&A with Main Platform speaker Brandon Farbstein

Bryson Milley, CFP, CIM

Valuable takeaways from MDRT's Business Performance Analysis

Peetitorn Chapradit and Pichandech Kemped

Leveraging insights from the CFP model in unexpected ways

Brandon Heckert, CFP, AAMS

Increased production and client satisfaction through goal-centric financial planning

Kusuo Yamaguchi

Importance of life insurance in inheritance planning

Freda Yeh

Use 3W in your practice, achieve self and team success with MDRT

Svetlana Plitin

From zero to hero: Simple steps to achieve success and balance

Tomoshige Yamamoto

Life planning for business owners: Understanding your options

Qian Zhou

The 726 rule for regular interaction with clients

11:30 - 13:00

Brian Moran

The 12-week year: How to accomplish more in 12 weeks than most do in 12 months

13:30 - 14:30
15:00 - 16:00

Arturo Viniegra Castellanos, Victor Hugo Garcia Gutierrez

Social media as a vehicle for prospecting and branding

Kavita Bothra

Networking alchemy: Creating reciprocal value with centers of influence

Richard Dobson Jr., CFP

Communication hacks every financial advisor should know

Paphasorn Kaewkorbsin

Business succession strategy: Creating an exit plan

Han Kim

What determines the quality of life after retirement?

Hajime Mega

3 gives, 3 thanks

Jim W. Ruta, BA, RHU

5 Cs to be a social media video all-star

Joseph Tan, ChFC, CLU

How to go from MDRT to Court of the Table by delegating

Yuan Yuan, RFA

Creating comfort by identifying the need for planning

Pádraic J. Ó Máille

Success equals discipline: Think big, start small, keep score

13:30 - 14:30
15:00 - 16:00
MDRT Center for Field Leadership 会议

Susan Clements

Building a leadership brand to achieve agency goals

17:00 - 18:00

6 月 25 日(星期三)

07:30 - 14:00
07:30 - 09:00
09:00 - 10:00
09:30 - 10:30
11:00 - 12:00
09:30 - 14:00
13:00 - 16:00
Register Now